SMART Recovery© Meetings and Support


The Beacon Foundation is focused on growing the number of SMART Recovery© meetings in the Coachella Valley & the Inland Empire for people with addictive behaviors.

We are pleased to be able to offer free SMART meetings to anyone who wishes to join.

Your donation is tax deductible.

Join A Meeting

Meetings are always FREE, private and 100% confidential.

SMART Recovery©

View the main SMART Recovery© organization website.

Support the Kayshawn Memorial Fund

Join us in honoring the legacy of Kayshawn Terell Hawkins by contributing to the Kayshawn Hawkins Memorial Fund. This initiative is dedicated to providing essential support to young men facing the challenges of recovery and reentry into society. Your donation helps cover transportation, education, housing, and sobriety tools, ensuring a brighter future for those in need.


Consult and make policy recommendations on behavioral health and addiction services in the Coachella Valley and the Inland Empire.


Behavioral Health

Educate and train behavioral health and addiction service providers in the Coachella Valley and the Inland Empire about SMART Recovery© and in convening & facilitating SMART Recovery© meetings.


Provide free addiction publications for vulnerable populations in the region served.


Raise funds for the Foundation activities.


To provide facilitators for meetings for persons in addiction recovery and for their family and friends in the Coachella Valley and the Inland Empire, California

About SMART Recovery©

The Power of Choice

SMART Recovery©advocates choice so that those seeking recovery can choose what works best for them from a “toolbox” of methods and strategies. The goal of SMART Recovery© is for participants to achieve a healthy, positive, balanced lifestyle.

The SMART Recovery© 4-Point Program


  • Building and maintaining motivation
  • Coping with urges
  • Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
  • Living a balanced life


What is The Process?

The Beacon Foundation utilizes the tools and techniques of the SMART Recovery© program to support meeting participation, training and education services.

1. SMART Recovery©

SMART Recovery©is a science-based addiction support group where people learn self-empowering skills and support each other in recovery. It is an alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous (“AA”) and other similar 12-step programs. The approach is secular and science-based, using cognitive behavioral therapy and non-confrontational motivational methods. 

2. Self-Management And Recovery Training (SMART)

Self-Management And Recovery Training (SMART©) is a global community of mutual support groups. At meetings, participants help one another resolve problems with any addiction (to drugs or alcohol or to activities such as gambling or over-eating). Participants find and develop the power within themselves to change and lead fulfilling and balanced lives guided by our science-based and sensible 4-Point Program®.

3. Friends & Family Program

The Friends and Family program adapts the same strategies and tools to provide a coping methodology for those nearest and dearest to ones with addictive behaviors.

4. Four Point Program

The SMART Recovery© 4-Point Program© involves:
• Building and maintaining motivation
• Coping with urges
• Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
• Living a balanced life!

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!